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The Pacific -Episod 1- (2010) DVDRIp

Imediat după atacul japonez de la Pearl Harbor, sergentul de marină John Basilone se pregăteşte să plece şi să confrunte duşmanul undeva în Pacific în timp ce ziaristul Robert Leckie se înrolează în Infanteria Marină. Eugene Sledge, nep...

Icarus (2010) DVDRip

Agentul KGB Icarus a ajuns la apogeul carierei sale de asasin profesionist lucrand timp de mai multi ani pe teritoriul Statelor Unite ale Americii, dar atunci cand Uniunea Sovietica s-a destramat, s-a trezit singur intr-o tara straina, fara nimeni pe care sa se poata bizui. Decis sa lase in urma trecutul reprobabil, Icarus isi schi...

Evolusi: KL Drift (2008) DVDRip

Zack and Sham are two close friends who enjoy the same hobbies and interests, ‘DRIFT RACING’. Traditionally, drift racing is male-dominated, but it doesn’t stop Fasha, Zack’s girlfriend, who breaks all traditions and makes it her hobby. Zack becomes more protective of Fasha as a result of her friends’ perceived bad influence on her. Meanwhile, Joe and Karl feel threatened when they can’t persuade new kids to get involved in drift racing. In order to let off some steam, Zack and Joe decide to race.

Agora (2009)

In secolul 4 dupa Hristos, faimoasa astrologa, filozofa si invatata Hypatia din Alexandria le impartaseste discipolilor ei din cunostintele sacre ale Egiptului antic. Viata poporului egiptean se schimba insa pentru totdeauna atunci cand Egiptul intra sub dominatia Imperiului Roman, iar crestinii darama statuile idolilor pagani si templele inchinate acestora, fac cunoscute tuturor invataturile biblice si incearca sa implementeze prin violenta religia crestina. Luptandu-se cu disperare sa salveze vechile valori ale lumii egiptene si mai cu seama comoara de invatatura continuta de celebra biblioteca din Alexandria, Hypatia este ajut...

Podul catre Terabithia - Bridge to Terabithia (2007) DVDRip

Jesse Aaron este un baietel in clasa a V-a, al carui vis este sa-si intreaca toti colegii la alergat. Sperantele lui se spulbera in momentul in care Leslie Burke, colega cea noua, ii intrece pe toti, inclusiv pe el. Lasand ranchiuna si invidia la o parte, cei doi vor deveni la scurt timp prieteni dar si vecini, vor descoperi intamplator, in padurea din apropierea locuintelor, un taram magic, unde ei vor domni ca rege si regina.

High Kick Girl (2009)

A high-school girl named KEI (aged 17) joins a karate dojo. Kei is born with extraordinary athletic ability and she quickly outshines the boys. Her status in the dojo rises quickly as her abilities and strength helps her to even defeat men. Despite her accomplishments, the master MATSUMURA does not award her the coveted "Blackbelt”. It is clear that Kei always plays to win and only cares about kumite (fighting). Matsumura tries to teach Kei that Karate is about more than just fighting and that "the real strength is in the kata (forms) ”. Kei grows impatient. She feels that she possesses the skills and deserves her blackbelt. Kei will do whatever she has to do to get it. Kei’s resentment towards Matsumura grows. She decides to join a rival fighting group called KOWASHIYA (Destroyers) at the advice of her boyfriend. Kowashiya will allow her to use her fighting skills and to earn money doing so.

Unrivaled (2010) DVDRip

The best fighter in the world works two jobs and supports his sister. The only problem… he doesn’t know he’s the best…

Little Big Soldier (2010) DVDRip

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